Family Law

At Meyer, Unkovic & Scott, we understand the impact on a family when facing divorce and related matters, which tend to be sensitive and emotionally charged.  Our lawyers are here to assist you resolve your legal issues.  Every client’s situation is different, and we take the time to understand their goals, manage expectations, explain the steps involved, and the impact family law can have on their relationship with their children and co-parent, as well on one’s financial wellness and life into the future.  We understand that both parents and children fare best when the parties can interact with respect.  Whenever possible, we aim to keep cases out of court by negotiating settlements with opposing counsel.

Children’s Best Interests

Our family law attorneys work to resolve family legal issues for parents and children in Allegheny County and throughout Pennsylvania. We focus on the overall well-being of our clients as we negotiate parenting time agreements and petition for fair child support payments. Our firm also handles all aspects of divorce, and we offer collaborative law services. Prepared to work diligently and meticulously to achieve the best possible results for you.

Parental Rights

We provide capable, experienced legal support across the full spectrum of family law, including:


If you are hoping to welcome a child into your home, we will advise you on the legal requirements of adoption, help you prepare for the required home study, and provide guidance on completing all necessary paperwork.

Child support and spousal support

We argue for the fair calculation of child support orders based on the state’s guidelines, as well as each parent’s ability to pay. We also endeavor to ensure that spousal support orders are equitable for our clients.

Custody and visitation

Pennsylvania courts require custody arrangements to be in the best interest of the child. Whether you are seeking primary custody or shared custody, we will work to prove that you can provide a suitable home for your child. We help create a workable parenting time schedule and we are fully equipped to help you in any child custody dispute that may arise.


We assist in the process of obtaining a court-appointed guardian for a relative who is incapacitated to the point of being unable to make their own financial or medical decisions. This includes limited guardianships that are restricted to certain specified matters


A custody or support order can become inadequate or unmanageable as a family’s circumstances change. If hard times or new opportunities significantly alter your needs or finances, we can petition the court for a modification to the original order.

Fair Division of Assets and Property in Divorce

Alimony and property distribution agreements made during a divorce can affect your finances well into the future. Pennsylvania’s equitable distribution process calls for all property acquired during the marriage to be divided equitably, regardless of how the property is titled. This can include real estate, automobiles, bank accounts, retirement accounts, and other property, as well as debts accrued by each spouse. How property is divided is influenced by many statutory factors, including each spouse’s nonmonetary contributions to the marriage.  In order to seek arrangements that serve your interests, we will research and investigate both spouses’ assets and debts, including any potentially hidden sources of wealth.

Resolving Issues Outside Of Court

If you and your spouse are able and willing to work out differences outside of court, our firm can help you with a collaborative divorce or mediation.  In mediation, an impartial third party meets with both spouses and reviews each spouse’s needs and concerns to facilitate discussion between the parties that aids in the resolution of the issues. In collaborative divorce, the spouses, and their attorneys, negotiate the terms of a contractual settlement with the aid of neutrals, which can include financial experts, child psychologists, or life coaches. By either method, the parties can avoid the rigors and uncertainties of going to trial.

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